Tag Archive: case

Four former FBI and other experts certify planting of evidence in US v. Raniere

Posted by September 6, 2022

Seven experts, including four former top FBI experts, certify planting of evidence in US v. Raniere; A former US Attorney, Alan Dershowitz, and Central Park 5 Exoneree call for accountability and an immediate evidentiary hearing A press conference was held to unveil the findings of seven forensic experts of FBI corruption in the case of […]

AG Garland Awards Prosecutors and FBI Agents Accused of Evidence Tampering in Raniere Case for “Distinguished Service”

Posted by July 13, 2022

In an annual ceremony, Attorney General Merrick Garland awarded members of Keith Raniere’s prosecution and investigation team who are alleged to have engaged in criminal evidence tampering and perjury.

Garland said, “This year’s awardees have served selflessly to further the Department’s important work upholding the rule of law, keeping our country safe, and protecting civil rights.”

Keith Raniere Files Motion Requesting New Trial After Discovery of Alleged Illegal Evidence Tampering Critical to Conviction

Posted by May 3, 2022

NEWS RELEASE Contact: Digital Strategy LtdBrian Glicklich, 818-867-9096 or Brian@digitalstrategyltd.com Former FBI Special Agent & Senior Forensic uncovers evidence tampering leading to the filing of this motion NEW YORK May 3, 2022— A motion seeking a new trial for Keith Raniere presents evidence of tampering with a hard drive and CF card and the digital […]

Petition for Answers from the Prosecutors of United States v. Keith Raniere

Posted by May 1, 2022

In the United States of America, We the People have the right to question our government officials, especially in cases of government corruption. Whether you think Mr. Raniere is bad or guilty, we are asking for your support in bringing attention to this indisputable and shocking violation of his constitutional rights, by asking the prosecutors involved in the case to answer a few basic questions.

Was Judge Garaufis Biased in Raniere Case?

Posted by March 18, 2022

By Suneel Chakravorty As promised, here is my article on the bias I allege Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis exhibited in the prosecution of Keith Raniere. As a fair warning to readers who may be upset by my audacity, as an American citizen, in daring to question a federal judge for bias, you may want to […]

Overview of Historic FBI Tampering in US v. Raniere

Posted by March 4, 2022

Seven top digital forensics experts, including four former FBI experts, announced their conclusions of tampering of key evidence in US v. Raniere. The experts have a combined nearly 200+ years of experience and include former FBI forensic examiners Dr. James Richard Kiper, Stacy Eldridge, William Odom, and Mark Daniel Bowling, former state constable Steven Abrams, […]

The Subject of the Alleged Contraband was Never Identified By Anyone Who Knew Them.

Posted by February 27, 2022

By Suneel Chakravorty First, I do not condone sexual assault, whether it is against women, men, transgender, and certainly not against minors. If Keith Raniere is guilty of such a crime, I support his prosecution. Also, as opposed to your snide inferences, I do not worship Raniere. Painting me as someone who “worships” Raniere is ad […]

Government Misled Jury About Camila’s Age When Reading Raniere Text Messages

Posted by April 28, 2021

For several hours on June 5, 2019, at the trial of Keith Raniere, Assistant US Attorney Tanya Hajjar and FBI Special Agent Maeghan Rees performed a live reading of purported text messages between Keith Raniere and ‘Camila.’ Hajjar performed the role of Raniere while Rees played Camila. Many of these messages were raunchy in nature. […]

Judge’s Message to Jury in USA v. Raniere: ‘One Name Good, Two Names Bad’

Posted by April 6, 2021

In the trial of USA v. Keith Raniere, some women were referred to by their first names only, while others were referred to by their first and last names.  By the way, this first-name-only was gender-biased. All men were referred to by first and last names in the court of Judge Nicholas Garaufis. But all […]

RANIERE requests pardon from president trump

Posted by January 11, 2021

Dear President Trump, I, Keith Alan Raniere, hereby request a presidential pardon and hereby authorize Make Justice Blind to formally request the pardon on my behalf. I believe the charges should never have been brought, and that they should now be dismissed and the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York should […]

Prosecutors lie to justify sex trafficking charge

Posted by October 26, 2020

Sex trafficking is an egregious crime. According to the National Criminal Justice Service, more than 17,500 U.S. citizens are trafficked within the country each year. Sex trafficking is a felony with up to a life sentence in prison as punishment. It is a charge that should not be taken lightly, both by the perpetrators and […]

FBI Tampered for Child Porn Charge

Posted by October 26, 2020

Forensic experts show extensive, calculated tampering on Raniere’s devices that allegedly contained child pornography.