Author Archives: MJBAdmin

Press Release

Posted by September 21, 2022

Add press release here Vivamus pharetra, eros id consectetur convallis, sapien ipsum vulputate felis, vel gravida mi nibh eu nibh. Etiam at urna eros. Aliquam quis turpis in urna ullamcorper maximus. Mauris id felis eu nisl finibus accumsan ut nec enim. Aenean tellus erat, fermentum vitae tincidunt ac, sagittis ut urna. Maecenas a nunc vitae […]

Trial Transcripts

Posted by September 21, 2022

5/6/2019: Opening Statement and Sylvie 5/7/2019: Sylvie 5/8/2019: Sylvie and Mark Vicente 5/9/2019: Mark Vicente 5/13/2019: Mark Vicente 5/14/2019: Oral Argument 5/15/2019: Mark Vicente 5/16/2019: Mark Vicente, Stephen Herbits, Inspector Fontanelli 5/17/2019: Fontanelli, Welch and Lauren Salzman 5/20/2019: Lauren Salzman 5/21/2019: Lauren Salzman 5/22/2019: Lauren Salzman 5/23/2019: Daniela 5/28/2019: Daniela 5/29/2019: Daniela 5/30/2019: Daniela 5/31/2019: […]

Four former FBI and other experts certify planting of evidence in US v. Raniere

Posted by September 6, 2022

Seven experts, including four former top FBI experts, certify planting of evidence in US v. Raniere; A former US Attorney, Alan Dershowitz, and Central Park 5 Exoneree call for accountability and an immediate evidentiary hearing A press conference was held to unveil the findings of seven forensic experts of FBI corruption in the case of […]

RANIERE requests pardon from president trump

Posted by January 11, 2021

Dear President Trump, I, Keith Alan Raniere, hereby request a presidential pardon and hereby authorize Make Justice Blind to formally request the pardon on my behalf. I believe the charges should never have been brought, and that they should now be dismissed and the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York should […]

Prosecutors lie to justify sex trafficking charge

Posted by October 26, 2020

Sex trafficking is an egregious crime. According to the National Criminal Justice Service, more than 17,500 U.S. citizens are trafficked within the country each year. Sex trafficking is a felony with up to a life sentence in prison as punishment. It is a charge that should not be taken lightly, both by the perpetrators and […]