Wayne Norris

Expert witness 100+ technology cases; Former Project Manager, US Navy, Port Hueneme, Cybersecurity, DEVOPS, and Support; 60+ years of experience writing software on over 35 operating systems
Key findings
Affidavit Highlights:
“No plausible explanation exists for the anomalies in the Government’s exhibits other than intentional tampering on the part of the Government.”
“I have served as an Expert Witness in more than 100 cases over 35 years, and I have worked in positions of great trust, supporting both civilian and also military segments of the United States Government. I have never personally witnessed tampering of digital evidence by any law enforcement agency, and I am personally disturbed by what I have learned in this case.”
Wayne Norris has been an expert witness in more than 100 cases in the areas of digital forensics, software code review for compliance with best practices, GPS, software copyright infringement and valuation, technology and technology business valuation, aircraft crash in- vestigation, and related cases. He was the lead software development expert witness for the Internal Revenue Service in the $1.7 billion Microsoft et al v Commissioner of Internal Revenue case.
Norris was a Project Manager for the US Navy for Cybersecurity, DEVOPS, and Support at Port Hueneme and has been the manager of more than 100 other software development projects and programs since 1978, with budgets to $7.5 million and headcounts to 38. He is PMP and CSM certified and projects he has overseen included software development, cybersecurity, manufacturing, research and development, environmental planning, and civil aviation. Environments included commercial, military, aerospace, and national security communities. He has been an instructor in Project Management for the US Navy and is the President of the Project Management Institute Chapter in Santa Barbara.
Previously, Norris was the Chief Executive Officer of Precision Simulations Inc., the leading provider of forensic / scientific documentation, analysis, and visualization services, including 3D laser scanning, animation, forensic video, photogrammetry, and testifying expert witness services for legal proceedings. He was also the President and Chief Financial Officer of Offshore Creations, Inc. [OFSC.PK], a 130-person publicly traded international software company.
He was also the Chief Scientist of SEDS, LLC, a government contracting R&D firm working in counterterrorism; holder of 6 patents in nuclear technology, gamma ray sensing, and conventional and nuclear explosives detection using thermal neutron beams and pixilated gamma ray spectrometers. Norris is a specialist in millimeter microwave based weapons detection systems, profiling, ballistics, Munroe Effect penetrators, and explosives effects.
Norris has 60+ years of experience writing software on over 35 operating systems, and over his career, has written over 100,000 lines of software code. He currently is an independent management and technology consultant and an expert witness in fields in which he is qualified to serve.