Bud Cummins

Former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas, Presidential Appointee
Key findings
“In the face of this alarming evidence, there’s really no excuse for the Court or for the prosecutors to hide behind procedural delays and wait to get to the bottom of this. They should take immediate action. And if they can’t or they won’t, the United States attorney general should appoint an independent prosecutor and independent investigators to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. If an independent investigation determines that this tampering occurred, there must be accountability. People have to be criminally prosecuted. This is very serious, and the people responsible need to be held accountable.”
“I can’t remember seeing so many qualified experts come down so solidly on the side of wrongdoing as as we’ve seen here. A number of forensic experts with particularly impressive resumes have examined the evidence in this case, at least the evidence that’s been made available to them, and based on those examinations, however, they have come to some very firm conclusions that wrongdoing has occurred here.”
Bud Cummins is a former United States Attorney of five years in the Eastern District of Arkansas, appointed by President Donald Tump. He currently is a lawyer in private practice. Cummins graduated from University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law and his areas of expertise include white collar criminal defense, political and election law, internal investigations, regulatory compliance, and complex commercial litigation. He also served as Chief Legal Counsel to Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Prior to forming a law firm in 2015, Cummins served as a Senior Advisor and a General Counsel with the Circumference Group which is a sector-focused investing and advisory team, specializing in public investing in information technology, telecommunications, and business-to-business services industries.